Information About Changes

The Serbian Business Registers Agency acting on the submitted application by the behalf of Farmers Association of Subotica Municipality made a DECISION

, that with the following information the association is entered in the Harmonization Register of Associations:
Type of organization: Association
Title: „Удружење Сељака Суботица” / Farmers Association of Subotica/
Name translations:
Name (Hungarian): "Szabadkai Paraszt Egyesület"
Name (English): "Farmers Association of Subotica”
Abbreviated name (English): SuFarmAs
Seat and address: Djerdja Doze 1, Bajmok, Subotica, Serbia
Association registration number: 08749337
TIN: 101623290
Founded: 02/12/2002
Date of the statute: 29/09/2010
Activities of association: 9412 - Activities of professional associations
Office phone: +381-24-762-773
Mobile: +381/62 50 54 30
Kis Arpad
Farmers Association of Subotica

26th of Nov, 2010.
Subotica , Serbia

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